Sunday, February 27, 2011


Wednesday I had the opportunity to hang out with my nephew Griffen.  He is a total crack up!!  He is 21 months old and I have never met a kid so full of life.  He is also quite the poser.  Enjoy the photos!

The sofa fort.  Where do they learn these things??

I was doing something in the kitchen and wanted something to distract him.  I put Barney on he just was transfixed.  Thank you Barney! 

Come on, how cute is that face?!?!

He thought he was big.  He stole my soda and instead of in his mouth it ended up all over him.  He thought he was hilarious!

Mom and Dad finally got home with baby Emma and G thought it was his personal duty to feed her.

He's gonna be such a good big brother!

As much as I would love to have kids of my own I love being an aunt.  I have the cutest nieces and nephews!! Plus, at the end of the day I get to leave them with their parents.  Win-Win!!

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