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I'm kinda digging the facial hair |
A picture and a letter
I am so tempted to just take a picture of a letter in the alphabet and call it good. That seems like such an easier task than deciding what kind of letter to write and to whom I should address it? I have been thinking about this one for a couple of days and believe me the topics have gone from the serious to the insane but after reading my Glamour magazine today the perfect addressee became clear. So...
Dear Dan (I am referring to Dan Abrams here but it seems too formal to include your last name when I generally only write letters to those whom I am familiar),
Because this is the first letter I have ever written to you I should warn you that I have a hard time getting to the point quickly and as a result can run on for quite sometime. That being said, I happen to think that I have some worthwhile things to say so I hope you take the time to wade through the muck.
I have always been intrigued by the man who appears on NBC as their legal analyst. You are a smart, articulate man who is good at his job but I have always been a little confused as to why an intelligent person would rather appear on TV than put his education to use in seemingly "more important" ways . (I am also kind of opinionated but can be swayed under the right conditions) I decided to write you this letter after reading an article you wrote in the March 2011 issue of Glamour and subsequently watching an episode of The Bachelor. I find it reassuring to know that there are still a few intelligent single men left in this country and no, I am not talking about Brad "The Bachelor." Certainly, the subject matter was attractive to me as a woman but it really is more than that. I realized after reading the short bio at the end of the article and checking out some of your online bios that you are actually a man of substance. You are more than just the "On Air Talent." Go you!! I find it a little shocking that you are still single but then I don't really know you, do I? You could be the world's biggest jerk for all I know but I give you credit for projecting the image of someone I would like to have a conversation with.
Now, don't worry, I am not a stalker and I am fully aware that we have not actually met nor are you likely to actually READ this letter. I simply found you intriguing today and you seemed like a good person to write a letter too. Best of luck on your continued career path. You truly seem to deserve all the good fortune that comes your way.
I am practically famous. Below is the actual message I received from Mr. Abrams about this post. I might have a crush! :)
ReplyDeleteDan Abrams February 9 at 10:43am
Cindy, thanks for the kind words in your "letter". I do appreciate it and i'm really excited about the book! Check out @mandown on twitter as well! Dan
Thats so awesome!!