As I have previously mentioned I lost my job on May 6, 2009. That was a really bad day but I have to say my life has certainly gotten progressively better since that day. I spent a month in Europe at the home of some great guys who were visiting family in the States. I had the house to myself and was able to relax, catch up on some reading and basically learn to like who I am. What a fantastic opportunity. The other two months have been spent in blissful relation which brings me to the reason behind this post.
It has been exactly a decade since I graduated from college and joined the grownup world of working too hard and playing too little. The past 3 months have been heaven. I have rolled out of bed when I want (no alarms!!!) read more books than one would think possible, hung out with my beautiful nieces and nephews, and spent quality time at the local swimming pool. In short, life has been very peaceful and happy.
What happens to up when we become adults that we forget to enjoy the wonders of life? It would seem this is a problem that is uniquely American. While in The Netherlands I met some great people who were appalled at the idea of only having 2 weeks vaction time a year and the idea that most of us spread that out over the course of the year and do not take it all at once. These people all had at least the government minimum required 6 weeks vacation and they were planning grand vacations. Least you think I am speaking of only a few of the Dutch people these were folks from all walks of life, from doctor to flight attendant. Apparently even the Dutch government realizes the necessity of a break from all things work related because not only do they mandate a minimum amount of vacation time be given to the workers but they also provide their people with money so that they can enjoy their time off from work. Talk about appreciation for making the country work!!
So, here is my challenge to you. There is approximately 1 month left before the summer nights start to fade into fall and the pools begin to close. Play hookey for 1 day! Pretend you are a kid again and enjoy summer. Sleep in, don't run any errands (as my niece reminded me the other day "errands are dumb", and do something completely spontaneous. Enjoy the magic that is summer and then remind others.
Good luck and I look forward to hearing about your day.